Category: 158th Fighter Wing

Aug. 13, 2021

Soldiers, Airmen discuss structural competence, cultural humility

The Vermont National Guard invited Dr. Maria Mercedes Avila, a member of the Vermont Governor’s Racial Equity Task Force, to conduct a workshop on structural competence and cultural humility at the 158th Fighter Wing in South Burlington, Aug. 13.

Aug. 10, 2021

Vermont adjutant general shares organizational assessment results

Maj. Gen. Greg Knight, Vermont's adjutant general, shared on Aug. 6 the results of an organizational assessment conducted in 2020 by the National Guard Bureau's Office of Complex Investigations.

Aug. 8, 2021

Vermont National Guard releases organizational assessment

The Vermont National Guard has publicly released a 113-page assessment prepared by the National Guard Bureau’s Office of Complex Investigations at the request of VTNG Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Gregory Knight.

July 22, 2021

Vermont ANG launches public tour program

The Vermont Air National Guard welcomed visitors on base in June as part of the newly launched public tour program.

July 14, 2021

VTANG Fire Department assists with Winooski fire response

The Vermont Air National Guard fire department responded to a small apartment building fire in Winooski early Wednesday morning. “The crews assisted with fire control, search, salvage and overhaul. The fire had spread throughout the walls and reached the attic. This made things exponentially more difficult for on scene crews to mitigate,” said Brannon Sotor, Vermont Air National Guard installation fire chief. “All personnel on scene worked seamlessly to bring the fire under control.”

May 19, 2021

Vermont ANG Airman honored during EMS week

Staff Sgt. Nathan Bourn, a munitions specialist with the Vermont Air National Guard and a firefighter with more than a decade of experience, was recognized during National Emergency Medical Services Week for rescuing several dogs from a burning home.

March 31, 2021

Women make history in Vermont ANG

The 158th Fighter Wing has made history: For the first time, three female Airmen from the wing have taken top honors in the Vermont Air National Guard’s annual Airman of the Year awards.

March 30, 2021

Vermont National Guard’s 'JEEP' sees dividends

In October 2020, the Vermont National Guard announced to its members the implementation of a new Joint Enlistment Enhancement Program (the “JEEP”) and welcomed its first eligible enlistment into their Air National Guard soon after.

March 29, 2021

Vermont Air National Guard responds to aircraft fire at Burlington International Airport

The 158th Fire Department responded to a civilian aircraft fire on a runway of Burlington International Airport on the evening of March 24.

March 26, 2021

Vermont Guard leaders hold town hall to address residents’ questions

Vermont National Guard leaders held a virtual town hall March 25 to address residents’ questions and concerns related to the 158th Fighter Wing’s F-35 Lightning II mission and a recent report of a Soldier who has not maintained the standard of conduct expected from members of the Guard.

The official logo of the Vermont National Guard.

National Guard News
U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Matthew Gadway, a member of the 109th Airlift Wing’s Polar Camp Skiway Team, grooms a ski landing area with a snow machine at Templeton Bay, Nunavut, Canada, March 13, 2023. The 109th’s LC-130's landed on the ski landing area to transport personnel and cargo to the austere Arctic environment during exercise Guerrier Nordique 2023.
NY Wing to Participate in Canadian Arctic Training Exercise
By Staff Sgt. Jocelyn Tuller, | Feb. 11, 2025
SCOTIA, N.Y. – Fifty-nine Airmen and two LC-130 Hercules aircraft from the New York Air National Guard’s 109th Airlift Wing will participate in a joint military exercise in the Northwest Territories of Canada from...

Lt. Gen. Jon Stubbs, the 23rd director of the Army National Guard, and his wife, Jane, attend retired Lt. Gen. Herbert Temple's funeral in Cathedral City, Calif., Jan. 24, 2025. Stubbs gave a eulogy to friends and family of Temple at his memorial service.
National Guard Leaders Bid Farewell to Former Chief
By Sgt. 1st Class Daisy Broker, | Feb. 11, 2025
CATHEDRAL CITY, Calif. - Retired Army Lt. Gen. Herbert R. Temple Jr. , former chief of the National Guard Bureau, was laid to rest at Forest Lawn Cemetery Jan. 24 during a ceremony befitting his long and faithful service to...

U.S. Air Force Capt. Steven Thompson, left, and Tech. Sgt. Carlos Patino, assigned to Detachment 1, Medical Group, 193rd Special Operations Wing, Pennsylvania National Guard, perform lifesaving techniques on simulated patients during a mass casualty exercise at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania, Feb. 7, 2025. These Airmen completed an inaugural two-week training program, which is a new partnership between the National Guard and MSHMC, where participants learn how to respond effectively in emergencies and combat situations.
Pennsylvania Guardsmen Graduate New Hospital Partnership Program
By Maj. Travis Mueller, | Feb. 11, 2025
HERSHEY, Pa. – Three Airmen with the Pennsylvania National Guard’s 193rd Special Operations Wing are the inaugural graduates of a new program and partnership between Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and the...