Vermont's SAPR Team

Our mission is to enhance military readiness through the prevention of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and associated retaliatory behaviors while providing comprehensive response capabilities.

The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program reinforces the military's commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual harassment and assault through a comprehensive policy that centers on awareness and prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting, and accountability. Defense Department policy promotes sensitive care and confidential reporting for survivors of sexual assault and accountability for those who commit these crimes.

Join the SAPR Council [PDF]

Call the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator if you're interested in becoming a Victim Advocate or to discuss resources available to survivors, including those listed below.


"Sexual assault and sexual harassment violate everything we stand for as Soldiers. It is our responsibility as One Army to take care of one another and not tolerate these violations."

– Ret. Gen. James C. McConville, 40th Army Chief of Staff

Resources for Survivors


Reporting Options

Only the sexual assault response coordinator or a victim advocate can accept an official restricted report. However, you can also disclose that you have been sexually assaulted to a chaplain, health care professional, or the director of psychological health without automatically initiating an unrestricted report.

An independent investigation can arise from third party disclosures. Commanders, first sergeants, supervisors, Air Force and Army instructors, law enforcement officers, and Military OneSource are all mandatory reporting agencies and must report.

Victim Reporting Options Guide (



The official logo of the Vermont National Guard.

SAPR Contacts

As of February 2024 CHANGE!!!!  New JOINT Vermont National Guard 24/7 SAPR Line (802)-316-6734

24-hour DOD Safe Helpline Hotline
Call: 1-877-995-5247
Text: 55247

24-hour Vermont Sexual Assault Hotline


Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
Nikki Sorrell (she/her)
Desk: 802-338-3149
Cell: 802-324-9225

Serena Furnari (she/her)
7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Calls
Desk: 802-660-5358
Cell: 802-735-4579

SAPR Specialist / Victim Advocate
Rachel Schneider (she/her)
7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Calls
Desk: 802-338-3035

Additional Information

Expand List item 810Collapse List item 810  What SAPR Advocates Provide
  • A Positive Influence: Sexual assaults happen on a continuum, and the only proven way to prevent an assault is bystander intervention. Victim Advocates are trained to assess situations from this view point at all times.  
  • Information: The amount of information that is out there for sexual assault survivors is pretty overwhelming.  Talking with an advocate can help a survivor find the resources and information that is most important and beneficial to them. 
  • Safety Planning: Advocates can help create a safety plans for different situations:  safe workplaces, avoiding contact with the offender, military/civilian protection orders, and other wrap around services that can help for those who need it. 
  • An Ear to Listen: The main role of an advocate is to listen with a non-judgmental state of mind. 
  • A Choice: Allowing a survivor to make all the choices in their post-assault care is beneficial in reclaiming their power. The SAPR office strives to ensure survivors have all the options available to them to choose as they see fit. 
  • Legal Process: An unrestricted report will open a civilian and/or military investigation. These processes are confusing if you haven’t been through them. Advocates are trained to provide assistance and to offer the proper resources for legal questions and processes. 
  • Medical Process: If a report comes in shortly after the assault occurred, there is the option for a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE). Our advocates are trained on the exam process and will attend the exam with a survivor so they do not have to be alone.
Expand List item 808Collapse List item 808  Resourcing and Education for Leadership and Units

Call the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator or Victim Advocate Coordinator to to discuss Company, Battalion, or Brigade specific needs. The SARC and/or VAC will work with you to build education and/or offer resources specific to your needs.

The SARC and VAC can come to your unit to deliver annual SHARP training when it works for you.

The SARC and VAC are available 24/7 to answer questions or discuss situations that you may be seeing or hearing about. Call them for anything.

Expand List item 809Collapse List item 809  Victim Advocate Information

Victim Advocates are credentialed through the National Organization for Victim Assistance. Every one of the advocates in our state has gone through local and national level screenings. After the screenings are completed the advocates attend an initial training for their respective branches. Once they’re credentialed they receive 32 continuing education hours through their two-year credential period. This means our advocates are trained and educated on how to help and how to stay relevant with changing policies, social norms, and practices.