The output from the Officer Career Management Board (OCMB) are:
a. A memorandum through the Chain of Command addressed to each considered Officer which serves as feedback to the Officer. This memo will include the score given by the board and comments input by all board members.
b. An Officer Management List (OML) which is a list of Officers (CPT - LTC) that lists Officers, by branch and by grade, in order of the score given by the board. The OML will assist CMCs in making career decisions for Officers.
The first OCMB will be conducted on September 10th through 13th and it will produce the outputs mentioned above (Feedback and OML). However, given that this OCMB will be the first one of its kind and that there is little time for Officers to prepare, the OML produced by the SEP 2019 OCMB will be produced as a pilot and therefore will not be made public, nor will it inform career management decisions made by the CMCs. This will allow for our officers to receive feedback from the board and be better prepared for the SEP 2020 Board and also allow the VTARNG refine processes with the lessons learned from the pilot.
Additionally, it is understood that many officers were not provided sufficient time complete the Career Management Worksheet this year. Consequently, the Career Management Worksheet will not influence the score given to the officer for the 2019 OCMB. However, it remains a tool for the officer to communicate with the board should the officer find it necessary.
Beginning in SEP 2020 the Career Management Worksheet will influence the OCMB and the OML produced by all future OCMBs will be published statewide and will be used to inform decisions of future CMCs.
The OCMP is intended to be a program that is transparent and a program we continually improve. If you have feedback on how to improve the program, please push them to the G1 through your S1 personnel or chain of command. .
Thank you all for your time. We sincerely hope that this new OCMP will enable Officers to receive useful career guidance, timely training, and appropriate developmental assignments in order to advance the greatest number of Officers to their maximum potential.