
Oct. 25, 2017

Reserve unit climbs the extra mile

Winding their way up steep mountain roads, no more than 12 feet wide, the 268th Transportation Company, 393rd Combat Support Sustainment Battalion, 166th Regional Support Group, 1st Mission Support Command out of Ft. Buchanan, Puerto Rico delivers cases of water and food to the 5,000 residents of Jayuya. Many residents are surviving without electricity for more than six weeks following Hurricane Irma, so the mission of the 268th TC is as much community relations as it is commodity distribution.

July 18, 2017

86th IBCT (MTN) finishes warfighter exercise

The 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Mountain), Vermont National Guard, conducted a warfighter exercise held from June 3-14. The exercise is a tactical operations drill designed to train brigade staff using a simulation with the Army’s Command Post of the Future, a software system that enables commanders to see the battlefield and communicate across the force. The brigade was at Fort Drum to facilitate the exercise.

June 13, 2017

572nd BEB kicks-off annual training

The 572nd Brigade Engineer Battalion, 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Mountain), Vermont National Guard, kicked off annual training with a bang on Tuesday. Soldiers from the unit participated in various live-fire ranges with fragmentation grenades, Mark 19 40mm grenade machine guns, M4 carbines, M249 light machine guns and M240B machine guns.

June 10, 2017

Mechanics support warfighter exercise

Two U.S. Soldier Mechanics with Echo Company, 186th Brigade Support Battalion, 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Mountain), Spc. Kale Raymond, a power-generation equipment repairer, and Spc. Kyle Spaulding, a wheeled vehicle mechanic, worked behind the scenes to support the brigade’s warfighter exercise, a tactical operations drill designed to train brigade staff. In addition to supporting the exercise as the only mechanics, the two provided support for the advanced echelons (ADVON) in their battalion.

June 9, 2017

Different units cooperate to sustain the 86th IBCT Warfighter Exercise

More than 600 Soldiers are involved with the 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Mountain), 10th Mountain Division, during its warfighter exercise at Fort Drum, New York, June 3-18. It is a feat to address the logistics of sustaining a large force while operating in the field, but brigade Soldiers from the 1157th Forward Support Company, Colorado National Guard, 186th Brigade Support Battalion, Vermont National Guard, and active-duty Soldiers from Headquarters Support Company, Headquarters, Headquarters Battalion, 10th MTN DIV, all came together to make it happen.

June 7, 2017

572nd BEB conducts first tactical operations exercise as a battalion

The newly reconstituted 572nd Brigade Engineer Battalion, 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Mountain), Vermont National Guard, participated in a brigade Warfighter exercise at Fort Drum, New York, June 3-18. The Warfighter serves as a good starting point for the new battalion and allows them to work with their attachments and units, like Echo Company, 186th Brigade Support Battalion, and new additions from outside the state like Charlie Company from Connecticut and Delta Company from Colorado..

May 18, 2017

Leadership through Officer Candidate School

Officers are managers of Soldiers. They plan missions, give orders, and assign Soldiers to tasks. As managers, officers have a vital role and the Army strives to find capable Soldiers to prepare them for that role.

May 6, 2017

Soldiers test medical training

Vermont Army National Guard Soldiers tested their medical training here at Camp Johnson in Colchester, May 6

March 10, 2017

2017 Chief of National Guard Bureau Biathlon Championship

The 2017 Chief, National Guard Bureau Biathlon Championship was held at the Camp Ethan Allen Training Site in Jericho, Vermont, from March 3 to March 10. The competition included 120 National Guardsmen from 23 different states. Competitors ranging from novice to experienced professionals participated in the week-long championship.

March 5, 2017

Low-density MOS Training

Approximately 100 medics from the guard were present for the training weekend. This training was especially important because medics are required to renew their Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification every two years, among other certifications.

The official logo of the Vermont National Guard.

National Guard News
Military leaders from the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command conduct the first day of the 2026 Mutual Defense Board (MDB) and Security Engagement Board (SEB) Standing Committee Meeting, March 11, 2025, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City, Philippines. The meeting consisted of three days of discussions aimed at strengthening the U.S.-Philippines partnership aligned with the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty.
Hawaii, Guam National Guard Strengthen U.S.- Philippines Ties
By Tech. Sgt. John Linzmeier, | March 31, 2025
CAMP AGUINALDO, PHILIPPINES– Hawaii and Guam National Guard Airmen and Soldiers joined their Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) partners for the annual Standing Committee Meeting (SCM) held March 11-13. The annual meeting...

Over 300 Airmen from the 124th Fighter Wing, Idaho Air National Guard, and several A-10 Thunderbolt II’s prepare to leave for a deployment to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility March 29, 2025.
Idaho Air National Guard's Fighter Wing Deploys
By Senior Master Sgt. Joshua Allmaras, | March 31, 2025
BOISE, Idaho – More than 300 Airmen and several A-10 Thunderbolt IIs from the 124th Fighter Wing deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility March 29. “This deployment exemplifies the extraordinary commitment...

Airmen from the 161st Air Refueling Wing qualify in the ruck portion of the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge assessment at Goldwater Air National Guard Base, Phoenix, March 28, 2025. The GAFPB is a decoration of the Bundeswehr, the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany, and is one of the few foreign military badges authorized to be worn by U.S. Air Force, Army and Space Force members.
Arizona Airmen Host German Proficiency Badge Assessment
By Master Sgt. Michael Matkin, | March 28, 2025
PHOENIX - The Arizona Air National Guard hosted German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge testing March 24-28, with 32 Airmen and Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps attempting to earn the coveted gold, silver or bronze...