Keep the best Vermonters in Vermont!

The Partnered Recruiting Initiative for Military and Employers program combines the recruiting efforts of the National Guard and civilian employers to recruit and retain the best and brightest Vermonters for employment and military service. The PRIME program helps our Soldiers, Airmen and their families obtain or improve their full-time employment.

Who's involved?

The VTNG is partnering with businesses across the state and region to assist Guard members and their families to find adequate or better full-time employment. The VTNG will help you connect with our partner businesses and find your next role in a company/industry that is a great fit.

Vermont Air and Army Guard members as well as their dependents can participate, guaranteed to have an interview with participating PRIME employers!

How do I participate?

  1. First, apply to an open role at any of our partner businesses.
  2. After you apply, reach out to your Military and Family Readiness Specialist and inform them where you submitted an application for employment. 
  3. The Military and Family Readiness Specialist will reach out to that business and confirm with them that you are a Guard member in good standing.
  4. You'll schedule your interview! Good luck!
Positions Offered
  • Manufacturing
  • Trucking/Logistics
  • Medicine
  • Information Technology
  • Service
  • Construction
  • Government Agencies
Download and Share the PRIME Program Flyer

For Businesses Interested in Partnering with PRIME:

Complete and submit the form below and one of our military and family specialists will reach out to you.

The official logo of the Vermont National Guard.

Training and Professional Development

To access additional training programs that can advance your career or help you qualify for your dream job, service members should consider using their free tuition benefits at programs at UVM Pace.
UVM Pace


Have questions about the PRIME program or want to explore partnering your company with the Vermont National Guard as part of the program? Contact Mr. Scott Detweiler,

Prime Program Poster Snippet

Our Partners







IUEC Local 41


Premier Coach 


Patricia A Hannaford Career Center


Rhino Foods