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The official logo of the Vermont National Guard.


After completing basic training, you can become eligible for tuition assistance to attend a university or certificate training course in Vermont. Furthering your education will benefit you in many ways including deepening your knowledge & skills within your field of study as well as put you on the path of becoming an officer. Learn what is required of you to earn this benefit that has lifelong advantages.


  • The amount of the tuition award will vary depending upon the institution and/or program in which the student enrolls.​

  • The tuition award will cover college courses at any Vermont State University institution or the University of Vermont at the in-state residence tuition rate. 

  • This tuition benefit may also be used for courses at any eligible Vermont private institution, certificate training, or continuing non-degree education program at the in-state tuition rate charged by UVM.

  • The Vermont National Guard Tuition Benefit Program (Interest-Free and Forgivable Loan) (VNGTBP) award is a LOAN that covers tuition. Soldiers must use Federal Tuition Benefits for payment first and the VNGTBP will cover the remainder of eligible tuition.
    The University Of Vermont is a college that will accept State TA from your job in Vermont Army National Guard.Vermont State University is a college that will accept State TA from your job in Vermont Army National Guard.Community College Of Vermont is a junior college that will accept State TA from your job in Vermont Army National Guard.Norwich University is a college in Vermont that will accept State TA from your job in Vermont Army National Guard.


  • Become an active member of the Vermont National Guard, in good standing.

  • Complete basic training.

  • Plan or continue attending a Vermont university, college, or an eligible training institution offering certificate training or continuing education programs.

  • Enroll in a program that leads to an undergraduate certificate or degree, masters, or is studying for relevant continuing education.

  • Demonstrate satisfactory academic progress.

  • Applicant has exhausted any post 9/11/2001 tuition benefits and other federally funded military tuition assistance.


  • Complete two years of service (after the scholarship is 1st disbursed) in the Vermont National Guard for each full academic year award disbursed.

  • ​​For members participating on less than a full-time basis, the service commitment is one month of service for each credit hour attempted not to exceed 12 months of service for a single semester.

  • For members participating in training programs, the service commitment is 6 months for each certificate earned. Each National Guard member may enroll in up to two training program certificates per term, and up to two terms per year.


  • First OR second baccalaureate degree

  • Masters degree

  • Two certificate programs per term

  • Up to four certificates programs per year


  • Vermont State Colleges

  • University of Vermont

  • Vermont Private Colleges (Up to the in-state tuition rate charged by UVM)

  • Certificate Programs


  • ROTC can cover part or all of tuition and fees
  • Norwich has an award that covers room and board

Some students seek ROTC Scholarships before they attend college, which helps cover all or part of tuition and fees (Army ROTC scholarships generally cover full tuition and fees). In recognition of ROTC participation, and during enrollment periods in which ROTC funding covers full tuition and fees, Norwich University provides additional aid to cover on-campus room and board charges.

Learn more about all Norwich University scholarships, awards and military benefits here