
The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Vermont National Guard, the National Guard Bureau, the U.S. Army, or the Department of Defense of the external website or the information, products or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sites, the Vermont National Guard does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations or the privacy and user policies of these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of the website. References to non-federal entities do not constitute or imply Department of Defense or U.S. Army endorsement of any company or organization.

Personnel / Human Resources

ArmyFit is a web-based application that stores, tracks, and integrates data from personal fitness devices and provides feedback so users can measure their progress toward fitness objectives.

Expand List item 1840Collapse List item 1840  GRB

Review your FEHB elections, retirement calculators, etc

Flexible Spending Account

Expand List item 1842Collapse List item 1842  FLTCIP

Long term disability 

Expand List item 1843Collapse List item 1843  FEDVIP (Benefeds)

Vision and dental insurance 

Your landing page for benefits and entitlements.

Expand List item 1847Collapse List item 1847  eCOMP

Workers Compensation 

Expand List item 1848Collapse List item 1848  OPM

Office of Personnel Management

Expand List item 1849Collapse List item 1849  eOPF

Review your personnel record

Both Army and Air National Guard federal technician roles for uniformed service members and civilians

Teams, Outlook, Sharepoint, and more

Expand List item 1890Collapse List item 1890  "Maternity Leave" / "Paternity Leave" (for Full Time Technicians)

Talk to the benefits section in HRO to learn more about your leave options under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

 HRO Benefits Section Sharepoint Page (CAC)

Federal technician positions for both uniformed members and civilians, as well as Army and Air National Guard AGR opportunities 

Provides for the data entry and reporting/tracking of medical and dental readiness information for Soldiers, units, and task forces.

An integrated, automated, end-to-end travel management system that enables DOD travelers to create travel orders, prepare reservations, receive approvals, generate travel vouchers, and receive split disbursement between their bank accounts and the Government Travel Charge Card vendor.

An Army System that allows users to access, compare and save unit Modification Tables of Organization and Equipment, or MTOEs. It provides multiple ways to search for information and multiple ways for the user to save the information to their systems.

An online information management system used for storing and managing military personnel records. It electronically stores evaluation reports, some medical documents, college and military transcripts, awards, diplomas, and more.

A web-based human resources system that provides integrated personnel and pay capabilities and a comprehensive HR record for all Soldiers in each component.

MilSuite provides a collection of social business tools for DOD personnel that facilitates professional networking, learning, and innovation through knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Provides National Guard Soldiers access to their personnel records. 

Expand List item 1124Collapse List item 1124  MyBiz+ (DCPDS)

MyBiz+ is the source for all DOD employees, supervisors and managers to view and update their personal and HR related information.

Personal Finance and Benefits

Expand List item 839Collapse List item 839  MyPay

The Defense Department's online payroll and accounting system, providing access to view one's pay account, view travel claims, make changes to withholding and allotments, and chance Thrift Savings Plan contributions.

Expand List item 1850Collapse List item 1850  Child Care Fee Assistance / Child Care Aware


MilConnect provides a convenient self-service portal that allows DOD affiliates and beneficiaries to manage their benefits and records, offering secure access to personal and personnel records held in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.

A website allowing civilian employees and retirees to access information about their Thrift Savings Plan accounts.


A quarterly publication, prepared at the Army Logistics University and published by the Army Combined Support Command at Fort Lee, Virginia. It publishes timely, authoritative information on Army and DOD sustainment plans, programs, policies, operations, procedures, and doctrine for the benefit of all Army personnel.

An online repository for all current Army Regulations, Directives, Policy and Guidance.

Articles, press releases, and newsletters

An interactive tool published by Army Materiel Command’s Logistics Support Activity that supports the Army’s emphasis on preventive maintenance as a means of improving Army materiel readiness.


A website with required initial and annual information assurance training material.

An online service for delivering automated courseware and training content.

The Central Army Registry is the single access point to Army training resources such as field manuals, training support packages, individual and collective tasks, drills, and courseware. The CAR can be accessed on a desktop computer or personal mobile device.


An online portal allowing Soldiers to manage their organizational clothing and individual equipment.

A website with regulatory and visual guidance on how to properly wear Army uniforms.


The website used to accurately record time and attendance such as leave and overtime.

The website used to accurately record time and attendance such as leave and overtime.

A website that allows employees to send and receive email from their official accounts while not connected to a military network.

Information Technology

The Vermont National Guard's single point of contact for timely, accurate and effective customer relations in technical problem resolution. You must be connected to the Vermont National Guard intranet to use this link.

Safely transfer files through email

Link Repositories

A repository of Army websites stored on milBook.

A third-party repository of links formerly stored on Army Knowledge Online.

The official logo of the Vermont National Guard.

Important Contacts