Military ID Cards

ID CardThe ID Card office at Camp Johnson is located to the rear of the Green Mountain Armory. For other ID Card locations please click the ID Card image to the left. Once at the RAPIDS Site Locator page you will be able to enter your address on the left in the area provided under "Near an Address". Then select the distance you would like to travel by adjusting the radius. Upon clicking on the "Find Sites" button you will be given a list of locations within your specified area and all details pertaining to that individual site location.



Use the Online Locator at

  • Select "ID Card Office Locator and Appointments."
  • On the next page, select "Search for Site by Name or ID."
  • Use the Site ID 105268 when prompted.
  • Select "AG HQ Vermont."
  • Lower on the page, click "Schedule an appointment."
  • On the calendar, select a desired date showing available appointments. 
  • Once you have chosen a date, select a desired appointment time below the calendar and click "Book this appointment."
  • Fill out your information, including first and last name, phone number, and email address.
  • You will receive an email confirmation after saving.

Illustrated instructions for booking online appointments are available here: ID Card Appointment Instructions

The official logo of the Vermont National Guard.

Local ID Card Locations
