Federal Tuition Assistance & Credentialing Assistance

The current POC for FTA/CA is the Region 1 Education Services Manager: Mr. John Berube at (603) 545-5137 or john.w.berube.civ@army.mil.

For all other Education questions, please contact Incentive Manager and Education Services POC - SFC Daniel Stewart at 802-338-3710 or daniel.e.stewart18.mil@army.mil

Types of Assistance

State Tuition Assistance

Free Tuition FAQ

Contact Our Education Office!

The official logo of the Vermont National Guard.

Contact Information

Education Services Officer (VACANT)
Phone: 802-338-3378
Email: daniel.e.stewart18.mil@army.mil
Incentive Manager and Education Services POC - SFC Daniel Stewart
Phone: 802-338-3710
Email: daniel.e.stewart18.mil@army.mil


Tests available through the Education Office:

  • Armed Forces Classification Test - available to raise line scores to reclass or qualify for Officer Candidate School. The last score overrides any previous score.
  • Selection Instrument Flight Training - available to qualify for aviation school
  • Defense Language Proficiency Test - available to qualify for foreign language billets and proficiency bonuses
  • Test of Adult Basic Education - available to determine academic skill levels to meet Warrant Officer education requirements
  • Discounts on SAT, ACT, and CLEP exams (available through CCV)

Joint Services Transcript

JST is an academically accepted document approved by the American Council on Education to validate a service member's military occupational experience and training along with the corresponding ACE college credit recommendations. Colleges and universities decide how many credits they will accept toward what degree.

Buxton Scholarship

Saint Michael's College offers a Buxton's Scholarship to Vermont Guardsmen for up to 48 credit hours. Service members must apply every semester with a scholarship application as well as a letter from the service member and a letter of recommendation from their commander. 

Application Deadlines:

Spring Semester: Oct. 1
Fall Semester: April 1

Applications are available on the VTNG Portal and the VTARNG Education Office at Camp Johnson.

Minuteman Scholarship

The Minuteman Scholarship is an ROTC scholarship for which the National Guard nominates select applicants. Recipients will commission as officers in the National Guard and serve as an actively drilling member for eight years after their commission date. Awardees may receive either 100% tuition and fees or up to $10,000 toward room and board, along with all ROTC-related incentives. Vermont has 12 scholarship nominations per fiscal year, decided either by the adjutant general or through a civilian aide to the Secretary of the Army.

Some schools can provide full-ride benefits for ROTC scholarship recipients.


  • $1,200 yearly textbook stipend (scholarship recipients only)
  • E-5 drill pay
  • $420 monthly cadet stipend


  • Must be a U.S. citizen
  • Four-year applicants must be accepted into a host Vermont ROTC school or public university with resident rates. 3AD applicants must be, at a minimum, accepted to any ROTC-affiliated college
  • Must score a 1,000 on the SAT or a 19 on the ACT
  • Minimum 2.5 high school GPA
  • Must enroll in ROTC
  • Must not turn 31 by their commissioning year