About JEEP

  • What Is JEEP?

    The Joint Enlistment Enhancement Program is a Vermont State program to incentivize non-recruiters to become a recruiting assistant by supporting the enlistment or accession of Soldiers or Airmen into the Vermont National Guard.

    Goal: To increase the number of people joining the Vermont National Guard.

    From Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2025, recruiting assistants will receive $1,000 for any non-prior service, prior service, or officer accession. The recruiting assistant must provide the lead and be available to the prospect from initial contact throughout the enlistment process up to the beginning of initial entry training.

  • Recruitment Payment Structure

    NON-PRIOR SERVICE: $500 at enlistment, $500 upon shipping to initial training, as applicable.
    PRIOR SERVICE: $1,000 upon accession if qualified; otherwise, $500 upon accession and $500 upon shipping to qualification training.
    INTERSTATE TRANSFERS: Same as prior service accession.

  • Who Is Eligible


    • Vermont National Guard Airmen, Soldiers, and all military retirees
    • Federal civilian employees of the Vermont National Guard
    • Members of the State Guard of Vermont



    • Any Airman, Soldier, retiree, or civilian whose primary duty is recruiting (including temporary orders) or whose duty is with junior or senior ROTC
    • Any currently serving Vermont National Guardsman in the grade of O-5 or above
    • Immediate family members of any non-eligible person above

The official logo of the Vermont National Guard.