Ranges are typically scheduled to start at 7 or 8 a.m. on days that firing is scheduled. Schedule is subject to change. For questions, please email VermontNationalGuard@army.mil or call (802) 338-3000, Option 3, Option 1 to leave a voicemail. Live fire events are subject to change to meet training needs.
March 17-23
Small Arms, Blanks and Pyro, 0800 to 1900
March 24
Small Arms, 0800 to 1600
March 25-28
No scheduled military live fire
March 29-31
Small Arms, Blanks and Pyro, 0800 to 2000
April 1-2
Small Arms, 0800 to 1600
April 3-5
Small Arms, Machine Guns, Indirect Fire, 0800 to 2359
April 6
Small Arms, Machine Guns, Indirect Fire, 0800 to 1600
April 7-11
Demolitions, 0800 to 1600
April 12-25
No scheduled military live fire
April 26-27
Small Arms, 0800 to 1600
April 28
Small Arms, 0800 to 2000
April 29-30
Small Arms, 0800 to 1600
During the month of April, the VTARNG Environmental office will be conducting controlled burns in select areas of Ethan Allen Firing Range as the weather permits. Expect to see large plumes of smoke rising from the property. This annual event is weather dependent which prevents forecasting a detailed timeline difficult.
Spring will also cause the surrounding towns to see and increase in construction vehicle traffic as soon as the roads are open to heavy vehicles.
Small Arms: Handheld weapons (M-4 and M-16 rifles, pistols)
Crew-Served Weapons: Vehicle- or fixed-mount weapons (e.g., M-2 .50 caliber machine gun)
Indirect Fire: Mortars or artillery